Monday, May 4, 2009

My stressful family

So starting to blog, needing a way to vent and see if others are feeling how I'm feeling!!
So I work with my dad, we have an insurance agency, and seriously must I say more!! Separating business and family is damn near impossible! My husband, due to this damn economy works Mon-Thurs in Aspen, CO 3 hours from where we live. So I see him late Thursday night until mid afternoon on Sunday. We have 3 dogs 2 cats in a townhome! I know were frigging crazy!! I on top of my work week babysit my baby nephew, who I ABSOLUTELY ADORE! Couldnt imagine my life without him! He keeps me somewhat sane, and is truly what makes me happy. So I'm sure you have guessed, we have no kids. Not yet we are not quite 30, wating for finances to get better, we are middle class but I'm a SPENDAHOLIC!!! I have changed my ways, because I really do want a family and so does my Hubby! He is so great he has put up with me wasting all of our money for years. I have no skills with cooking, cleaning, etc. I Have no clue on how much to spend on groceries..... On dining out......I'm clueless!!! Its so frustrating because I am a intelligent woman, BA is Psychology & MA counseling. But I have no idea how to manage money, the house, groceries, and a budget!! All this drama creates super anxiety in me!!